Part 6: The Rustlers (Part 1)

Chapter 4 - The Rustlers
His next job takes Mace to a ranch inside of an asteroid called New Idaho. An independant Gado rancher has gotten a tip about a band of rustlers that plan to steal his livestock. He wants Mace to provide additional protection, while his herd is being moved.
Gado - Since ancient times, the Jaldari have bred and eaten Gado on their homeworld in the Hasali system, and generations of domestication have made them the perfect cattle. Each of these beasts weighs seven tons, and nearly all of their body mass can be eaten or utilized in some other way, as their skeletal material is extraordinarily strong. Most of their energy and intellect goes toward eating enough grass to sustain their enormous metabolisms. They are now cultivated on dozens of planets and planetoids. Gado ranching requires fast reflexes and strong nerves - even on a good day, their sheer size and clumsiness makes them dangerous, and a panicked gado could easily lay waste a city block.
Pretty much the future alternative to cows. Aside from looking like a cross between a turtle and a giraffe, their main feature is that they're kinda cute.